Tuesday 27 June 2023

Maj.-Gen Yusuf bows out of active military service

By Mohammed Tijjani

The immediate past  Commandant of the Nigerian Defence Academy(NDA) Maj.-Gen. Ibrahim Yusuf, retired,  on Monday was pulled out of  active Military service in a colourful ceremony at the Academy's Headquarters in Kaduna.

Giving his veledictory speech, Yusuf said the  event would  remain indelible in his heart, as it formally marked the end of his military journey which began in 1980 at Nigerian Military School, Zaria. 

"The journey took a new turn in 1985 when I joined NDA as a member of 37 Regular course and  from September 22,  1990 to today, the journey has been characterized by so many deeds, debacles and crescendos,"he said. 

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), report that earlier Maj-Gen Yusuf, handed over to Maj.-Gen. John Ochai as  the new Commandant of the academy.

According to him Yusuf, during his sojourn in the Army, he had the privilege to have  played active role in execution of the constitutional mandate assigned to the Nigerian Army.

"In this regard, on several occasions I have participated in internal security operations in several parts of the country in aid of civil authority. 

He explained that in the mandate of safeguarding the territorial integrity of Nigeria, he had the unique opportunity of commanding 21 Armoured Brigade during Operation ZAMAN LAFIYA and subsequently, GOC 7 Division during Operation LAFIYA DOLE in the Northeast.

"In the latter capacity, my Division conducted Operation DEEP PUNCH which remains the largest, single most successful, most decisive and most enduring counter insurgency operations in the Northeast theatre. over 3,000 troops who took part in that operation were promoted to the next higher rank,"Yusuf said.

Man.-Gen. Yusuf further said  that in the course of his  military career, he was awarded two Chiefs of Army Staff Award, Nigerian Army Outstanding Operational Command Medal, which made him the first in Nigerian Army to receive such honours.

"For me to earn such an award amongst several other military awards and decorations, I feel privileged to have received it in recognition of service to my country and humanity. 

"My own dear country Nigeria awarded me Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic, and Chad also conferred on me a national honour – Knight of the Order of Chad in recognition of my outstanding performance as Force Commander, Multinational Joint Task Force, "he said.

Yusuf appreciated the awards and honours, while  dedicating them to the gallant officers and soldiers that he had the privilege to command over the years. 

 "I wish to also pay tribute to all the officers and soldiers that paid the supreme sacrifice in order to safeguard our territorial integrity and restore law and order,"Yusuf said.

Speaking further, Yusuf said during his stewardship as Commandant of NDA from July 8, 2021 to June 26 2023, the  academy had been his 'baby'.

"My destiny is inextricably linked to the Academy and even when the inevitable hour comes, I would be happy for its grounds to be my final resting place. 

"My professional ambition had always been to serve as Commandant and to retire from the military from this privileged appointment in which I feel I have attained my highest goal in military service and expended all my objectives and strategies for the betterment of the Academy and consequently, the Armed Forces of Nigeria.

"In this regard, to the glory of almighty God, members of 69 regular course  that passed out from the Academy last year are the best trained cadets to graduate from NDA since its establishment in 1964,"he said.

He added that members of 70 regular course  that would pass out of NDA in three months time were  better trained than their predecessors.  

"We have repositioned the academy to produce junior leaders with capacity to deal with the current and future challenges.

He  noted  that during his tenure, the academy was articulated and had already implemented a 10-year strategic plan designed to make it emerge as one of the best ten universities in Nigeria.  

Regarding  infrastructural development in the past two years in the NDA, Yusuf said it was unprecedented.

"I am happy to report that all abandoned projects have been completed including those abandoned since 2003.

"Some of these keys projects include 800 capacity hostel, five blocks of science laboratory, Hall of Fame and numerous staff accommodation.

He however said that new projects within the period included Sport Complex, Arms Store for each Cadet Battalion, Cadets Brigade Headquarters, officers’ quarters, soldiers’ quarters, civilian quarters, NDA-NAF Base Link Road, perimeter fortification, state of the art athletics tracks, parade ground, amongst  others.

He said that  ongoing projects were fully funded to completion.

He said the project  included 2.5MW solar power, 600KW solar, primary school, secondary school, 2,300 Cadets Mess, Department of Psychology and Department of Languages building complexes among others.

"All these could not have been achieved without the full support of the members of the NDA Governing Council".

He appreciated his  predecessors, former commandants who laid the foundation for him to have built upon.  

"Each and every one of them made positive impacts in the academy and paved the way for its growth and development.  

"I am happy indeed to have handed over the command of the Academy to an outstanding General, highly decorated and a first-class trainer and leader, an Armoured Corps officer,"he added.

Yusuf therefore advised cadets to imbibe good character, leadership and competence in order to achieve successful military career, adding that it is the only currency they would ever need for success.  

"Always strive to develop and improve on your current standard and avoid patronage or boot licking.  

"Depend on your own accomplished merits and do not aim to please or become indebted to an individual or a group of individuals in any official capacity or dealings.  

"Your focus and your unblemished loyalty are for service and country, "he added.

 He also urged them to desist from illegal ventures, unlawful or unethical dealings, noting that it would always be at the detriment of their career and could lead to irreversible consequences. 

He also urged them to avoid seeking shortcuts or favours from superiors, higher authority or from any segment of the society.

"Don’t avoid postings to theatres of operation for fear of death.  Death will come when it will come irrespective of your location or purpose.

"Embrace this reality and you will be surprised at how many times you will cheat death. "I am  leaving the service highly fulfilled, highly accomplished, highly satisfied, "Yusuf said.

He  assured that the generation of officers that would be leaving the academy henceforth will have the intellectual acumen, professional skills and warrior mindset to deal with current and emerging operational/tactical challenges in the country.

The Pulling out ceremony, featured colourful parade by cadets of the NDA and  silent drill by boys of the Nigerian Military School, Zaria.



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