Wednesday 27 September 2023

NGO takes tree planting campaign to Kaduna school, harps on climate resilient practices


By Sani Idris

An NGO, Women Initiative for Sustainable Environment (WISE), has taken its tree planting campaign to LGEA Tsaunin Kura Primary School, Sabo, Kaduna, where it harped on climate resilient practices in tackling climate change.

The trees planted in the primary school in Kaduna were mango, cashew, soursop, orange, among others.

Speaking to newsmen at the sideline of the excercise, the Executive Director of WISE, Mrs Olanike Olugboji-Daramola, said tree planting was one component under their climate resilience programme.

She therefore said the essence of taking the tree planting to schools was geared towards sustainanace and protection of the trees, using the pupils and students.

“We have had a tree planting project in a community where we lost over 1,000 trees that we planted to animals, humans and other trespassers,”she lamented.

Olugboji-Daramola therefore noted that to address the challenges of sustainanability of the trees, they started working with schools, especially with girls, to position them to become the center of addressing climate issues.

“We thought about it, and decided to partner with private and public school authorities to get the trees and work with girls in the schools to plant and protect them,” she said.

She further said the NGO started the tree planting in June, where it planted in more than 80 Secondary and 60 primary schools.

She noted that the LGEA Tsaunin Kura Primary School where the day’s tree excercise was carried out, was noticed to have no trees when they celebrated the World Hand Washing Day in some years back in the school.

“We promised to come back to the school and plant trees, and here we are today. We actually want everybody to get onboard in terms of taking climate actions,” she said.

Also, a partner in the project, Mr Lawal Musa, the Business Development Manager of an NGO, Atmosfair Climate and Sustainability Ltd. (ACSL), said the excercise was part of giving back to the society.

Musa, who donated books to the pupils, said he passed through an LGEA primary school, and therefore needed to contribute to such schools in every possible ways.

Speaking on climate change, he said it was in crises and all hands must be on deck to protect the future.

He said the excercise was also geared towards inspiring the pupils who are future leaders to be eco-conscious.

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, Musa said ACSL was in the affairs of climate change where it strongly discouraged deforestation while encouraging adoption of using climate friendly appliances for daily activities.

On behalf of the Primary school, Mr Cyrus Hassan, the Head Teacher, said the trees would have long term benefit to the school and community.

“In years to come, not only the students will enjoy from their fruits and shade of the trees, but also the entire community,” he said.

He expressed happiness for his school to have been among beneficiaries of the NGO’s gesture, while pledging to ensure proper nurturing of the trees by the pupils.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that at the event, the NGOs displayed clean-cook stoves to the students, to take the messages home to their parents so they could patronise it.

The clean-stove is climate friendly and reduces carbon emission by 80 per cent.(NAN) (

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