Wednesday 23 August 2023

To the love of my life, Maryam Ibrahim Isawa

 My beautiful girlfriend; every time I look at u, I'm  reminded of the incredible beauty that exists in this world.

Maryam my precious, yr smile is like a ray of sunshine, yr laughter is a melody that warms my heart and yr presence and thoughts about u fills my heart with a kind of joy I never known before.

U are more than just beautiful on the outside, yr inner beauty shines through in yr kind words, every thoughtful gesture and every moment of love we share.

Yr kindness, yr compassion and yr unwaivering support make u the most beautiful person I have ever met.

With you my baby, every day would certainly be a new adventure, a chance to experience the beauty of life.

Yr love has transformed my world and I will be endlessly greatful if life will give me the privilage to be by yr side till death.

As I think about the moments we shared and the ones we have yet to create, I am filled with a deep sense to awe for the beautiful journey we will Insha Allah be on to together.

Yr love has given my life new meaning, new purpose and a new  dept of emotion that I never knew was possible.

Today, i wanna take a moment to express my heart felt gratitude for your beauty, both inside and out.

THANK YOU for sharing your heart with me, for being the most amazing girlfriend I could  ever hope for and for bringing so much light and beauty into my life.

No matter where life takes us, pls know that my love for u is unwaivering.

You are the most beautiful part of my world and I am honored to call u mine with all my heart.


Written by Sani Idris Abdulrahman, the prince of Maryam Ibrahim Isawa's ❤️ heart.




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