Monday 2 November 2020

National Youth Day: Foundation tasks Nigeria youths on value of freedom

 In commemoration of the national youth day, the Arewa Youth Trust Foundation has tasked Nigerian youths to Judiciously use and value the freedom they have towards the development of the nation.

The Team Lead of the foundation, Amb. Fahad Chikaji made the call in a statement to newsmen on Monday in Kaduna.

Chikaji said Nigerian youths must always think before they act as it was also necessary they find adult mentor.

He emphasised that they must learn not to be followers by establishing legitimate pace and set of values on their own, being humble and maintaining emotional stability to achieve a set objective.

“The simple but effective processes of thought will help you avoid making critical mistakes that could cost you your freedom, education or your life,’’ he said.

According to him, National Youth day should be used to reflect, take stock and chart a new youth action plan that would tackle the issues confronting Nigeria’s teeming youth population.

“A responsible adult knows what is best for his well-being, as such must avoid being part of the crowd.

“It is popular to be haughty or arrogant; such attitudes tend to prevent an individual from developing healthy relationships.

Chikaji added that there were many deep cultural, social and spiritual values that could benefit Nigerians but were left untapped and ignored.

He, however, recommended that simple and basic set of values for youth such as life, education and freedom if placed high and considered in decisions making would positively affect the choices they make.

“If you value your life; education and freedom, you will think twice about drinking and driving, threatening a teacher which will get you expelled and will avoid criminal behavior that will lead to incarceration thereby restricting freedom”, he said.

He, therefore, called on the youths to obey and respect their parents, saying that their happiness and good prayers affected positively towards achieving success life.

“Be respectful to your superiors and strangers, If a person offends you and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures but simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick.

“If you find that he did not intend any offense; come out frankly and confess yourself in the wrong when you struck him, acknowledge it like a man and say you didn’t mean to,’’ he said.

Chikaji also advised the youths to be disciplined, hard-working and committed with a spoon desired to succeed.

“If there is no aim in life you can’t achieve anything; be good, follow your heart, think about impact, care about time, understand the big picture, follow the data and be open.

“As the future generation, we must rise up and work hard to excel in order to achieve greatness in life,’’ Chikaji said.(NAN)

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